torsdag 10. februar 2011

Baby food machine for unskilled housewives

Product name: Philips AVENT SCF870/21 Combined Baby Food Steamer and Blender (
What is it?A blender with a built-in steamer function that makes it much easier for mothers lacking in housewife skills to make ‘proper’ baby food
Why did it catch my attention?My brother-in-law had found this item on Amazon long before my baby reached the age of weaning and asked if he wanted one for Christmas. Knowing my complete lack of housewife genes it was an offer that I could not resist!
How old was my baby when I bought it?He was 6,5 months and had been weaning for 1,5 months when we got this into the house, but it is relevant from the day the baby starts weaning
What value does it add for us?My son gets to eat ‘real’, vitamine-rich food once in a while and I feel better than when giving him ready-made stuff only
What does it replace?The lengthy process of steaming and blending healthy food for him the normal way and doing the lazy mother and giving him something I bought from Ocado instead
How did my baby respond to it?Looking at it, he thinks it is a toy and wants to chew it. When it comes to food, the first thing we tried was avocado and that went down very well with him
How much does it cost?£56 on Amazon UK
Can I see any drawbacks?It was probably just bad luck, but on the first one we got the steamer was defect, so we had to return and get a replacement. Otherwise no drawbacks noticed so far – it is a very handy and easy product to use!

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