Product name: Whoozit See Me Mirror (Whoozit See Me Mirror
What is it?A mirror with some funky soft toys and colourful fringes on the frame. It has two ribbons at the back that gives you the flexibility to attach it to for example a cot, a playmat or the backseat of your car
Why did it catch my attention?At about 3 months of age, my little son started to love watching himself in the mirror, and I was looking for a mirror that (a) was soft and that he would be unable to hurt himself on and (b) that would fit in his cosleeper so that he could entertain himself for an hour or so in the morning while his mummy got some extra sleep! ;-)
How old was my baby when I bought it?I started buying mirrors for him when he was 2 months old, and found this one when he was just over 3 months
What value does it add for us?This is an appreciated toy that helps my son keep himself entertained on his own and is flexible enough to be attractive to bring along when we are travelling. In addition to the mirror, my son really loves playing with the smiley Whoozit face and the multi-coloured fringes
What does it replace?Other toy or non-toy mirrors
How did my baby respond to it?He has always loved this mirror, which differentiates it from a few other toy mirrors I bought for him and that he in many cases started to appreciate 2-3 months later when his motor skills were developed enough for him to be able to grab it and play around with creating reflections
How much does it cost?£15 on Amazon UK
Can I see any drawbacks?The seams don’t look very solid to me, and as he grows stronger I am quite sure that Whoozit will get torn off at some point soon
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