Product name: BabyBuBu nursing cover (
What is it?An apron for the mother to hang around her neck to cover the baby and her breast while breastfeeding in public. Because the neckline is ‘boned’ with either plastic or metal, you have great visibility (which you don’t have with normal scarves as I previously used) and you can keep eye contact with your child. The pioneer on the UK market was BabyBuBu, but there are also other brands, such as Californian Bebe au Lait (Bebe Au Lait Nursing Cover, Mint Chocolate
) who, according to their website, invented the nursing cover in 2004
Why did it catch my attention?Despite being a very liberal Scandinavian who is used to public breastfeeding being completely acceptable, I realised the need to be culturally sensitive on this point in less liberal countries. After some tiresome and clumsy battles with my normal scarves, a friend showed me her Bebe au Lait – voila a solution to my issue!
How old was my baby when I bought it?Around 1 month, but I wish I would have had it from he was born
What value does it add for us?a) We can breastfeed in public without offending anyone
b) Public breastfeeding is almost as smooth as without any cover as I still have good visibility of what is going on
c) For a baby who easily gets distracted with a lot going on around him, it creates a calm environment that helps him concentrate and finish eating quicker
b) Public breastfeeding is almost as smooth as without any cover as I still have good visibility of what is going on
c) For a baby who easily gets distracted with a lot going on around him, it creates a calm environment that helps him concentrate and finish eating quicker
What does it replace?Struggling with scarves and/or offending people who are very worried about seeing some naked skin ;-)
How did my baby respond to it?He prefers to nurse the way nature decided it to be, but in noisy places he concentrates better when hidden away under the BabyBuBu
How much does it cost?Around £20
Can I see any drawbacks?Not that I can think of
I don't know quite how I feel about this.
SvarSlettI understand that other "rules" may apply abroad, but I'm pretty sure gadgets like this one also will affect the way Scandinavian mothers feel about breastfeeding in public. Scandinavian mothers read about nursing covers, and see pictures of celebrities using them, and the trend will spread. My presumption is that we will see a lot more of covered up mothers, and less boobs in the future. Too me that's a shame.
Take a look at this link:
I like the comment: "It's not called a nursing cover. It's called a burka".
All that being said, I probably would have felt like using a cover myself if I lived in a country where people got affended. I just hope the trend doesn't spread...